Tuesday, August 31, 2010


No I haven't forgotten about you....just been so busy! I am trying to work on Kailyn's bday, also school supplies - and of course - enjoying the last bits of Summer. I have things to show you. I have to take pics. Soon the post will have preps for the party, I promise.

The party is in 2 weeks. I cannot believe it. I need to get my butt moving. Well it's been moving but I need to finish the projects that I started!!!!

Okay really. I'm gonna get to my cricut and start creating a banner!!! :o)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Wow it's been a while since I've posted!!!!! Sorry guys. What's been going on......well summer is coming to an end and we have just been enjoying it. We are back to school shopping, trying to get back into a routine and in all that got a dog. (not under my consent) ANYWAYS!

So, back to party mode. My daughter's bday is in less than a month. I am now swinging back into that mode and trying to get as much done as possible. Not much needs to be done but you know details, details, details.

I've tried every which way to do my "invention" and it didn't work so I caved and opted for something already done. I know sucks. But hey the party must go on. I am working on labels and banners now - this week. Also the invitation is in it's final stages. Basically assembling process.... it's starting to get exciting!!!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Happy Monday

Guess what: I unloaded the 'junk' in the cabinets over my 'craft' area and now I have SPACE!!! woo hoo. Still haven't done anything with the space itself, because they are deep and I need a genius way of putting up shelves or "something" in order to use all the space and not have any dead space. So I'm working on that. I'm so happy that it's all done...well that the junk is out!!!! Now I have like 3 more boxes to shred and I'll be all caught up with the 'junk' yay!!! Next stop my closet. Yes, finally get rid of all my 'skinny' jeans which do NOT fit and I need to STOP acting like I'm gonna wear them when they eventually fit. But that's another story...stay tuned!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

So in LOVE...

with my CRICUT! Okay I've done different things with it and I don't want to stop! I think it's the coolest thing ever. So, yeah I did vinyl lettering woo hoo. I have to post the coolest frame i did over and I have to tell you that I may go a little 'vinyl' lettering crazy. Yeah I already know it!!!! Will post soon...you know if I ever give my cricut a rest! Oh yeah and in the midst of all this I am redoing (not exactly) my computer/craft/guest room. Which what I really want to do, can't be done right now...so I've opted to do a little bit of changes, and that included finding a home for my cricut on my desk...so yeah that task will probably last all weeks since I need to unload the cabinets over my desk to fit my crafting stuff. YIPEE. lol.

See you soon!