This is a severely overdue post.
I am going to show you the progress in my younger daughter's bedroom, it's been done for over a month, just didn't get around to taking pics til recently.
The flower lamp is new - right over her bed - just in case she needs a night light...
My mom sewed the curtains, I don't know how to sew, I want to learn..
Her new tv, yes those wires will never disappear but most likely next year since the holidays are upon us now...
Ikea spice racks to store bedtime books...(still need to be sprayed painted...ooops)
see they kind of blend in with the wall color...I am not done in this room, I say I'm about 95% done
I'm still in love with this desk....I do have to seal it though...another undone project...I"m not the only right???? please say I'm not...
and the garbage can - can it be any uglier....I need to do something to it....hhhhmmmmm
Remember the chair I painted, isn't it cute? used the same fabric as the curtains to cover it up, now if I can just put the finishing touches on the buttons....bear with me people...thanks....
These dolls, bed..etc., are to be in the bookshelf behind her door (the bookshelf that I have yet to purchase - ahem - find on the curb garage sale. whatever works...
It's 95% done
I hope it'll be done by next summer (just kidding, no really I do hope that)
This kid is having a birthday in a few weeks
Christmas is in a few weeks
So the 5% will have to wait til next year....which will be in a couple of weeks.
Next post will have to do with Christmas, might as well show you that I am working on other things (not just sitting around reading blogs and neglecting my projects :)
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